
Leveraging a Diverse Culture and Global Expertise  

Minority founded and run, Joffre recognizes the significant value of diversity in strengthening firm culture and investment process.  The majority of our partnership comprises minorities, and our senior team has tremendous diversity in terms of ethnicity, gender and orientation.  Joffre is a uniquely active advocate for the LGBTQ community, cultivating an inclusive workplace environment and overseeing the success and expansion of Grindr, the world's leading LGBTQ platform.  

We are proud that our team is a tapestry of rich international experiences, with each member having lived in a minimum of three countries and achieving professional success in at least two distinct major markets. This breadth of experience doesn't just symbolize our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — it enhances our ability to understand global markets and embrace different perspectives to identify non-consensus opportunities and add value in creative ways. 

As an investment firm, we're fortified by the multitude of cultural insights, regional nuances and global viewpoints our team brings, making us more agile, informed and adaptive in an ever-evolving technology and financial landscape.

Leadership includes:



80% AAPI